The 'mole' of the Rivera family, exposed: “He managed all the family's information”

Since Frank Rivera sat on the prime time on Fridays to talk about his family, new information regarding his surroundings has come to light. Among them, that Blanca Romeroex-wife of Cayetano Riverahad to do with the estrangement of the brothers, or that a 'mole', as was revealed this Wednesday, was stalking Carmina Ordoñez and yours.

Tino Torrubiano has explained in This is life what “Julián Contreras Sr.” was the one who leaked information about the Rivera family for a long time. This is how it has advanced Sandra Barnedahost of the program: “There has been much speculation about who could be the 'deep throat' that handled all the family information.”

“It is none other than Julián Contreras Sr.”, responded Torrubiano, who recalled that “at that time, I had an agency.” “We worked with him, not only with the information he gave us, but also with reports we did about him and his son,” he noted.

Torrubiano has commented on Contreras' way of proceeding: “I did that first report with his son, of Julián with his girlfriend at that time. We are talking about the year 1999, 1998, 2000.”

“Apart from information such as Eugenia's pregnancy, which he leaked, he was the one who leaked the information to me, Belén's illness, meetings that he had with his partner and Carmina with hers… the four of them… They were important reports. I have my reasons for giving the source…”, he pointed out.

These statements They arrive after the attacks by the son of Julián Contreras and Carmina Ordoñez on Fran Rivera. The bullfighter spoke on Telecinco about the drug addiction that his mother suffered from, something that outraged Julián (son).

“I find it incredible to read and listen to certain things he is saying. Are you aware now of what happened to our mother?” said Contreras, who does not understand “why Fran talks about drugs if she never found out about the problem.” Carmina had. In his words, the right-hander “should be more informed.”