The professional future of Inigo Onieva in Spain it begins to turn dark, his sentimental disloyalties they take their toll professionallyand one of his friends tells Informalia that “he could go to Mexico for a season”.
Also read: Íñigo Onieva and the sins of the meat: weekend with barbecue
They say it is because the country where he has just traveled Tamara his father resides Inigo, who occupies a very high position in a chain of Spanish hotels built in that country. “He is a very nice and friendly person,” they assure us.
The father of Tamara’s ex is a highly respected man in high places, and he could find a job for his son without major problems. Despite the geographical distance that separates them, they are in continuous contact by phone and on social networks.

Don Iñigo, they suggest from the family environment, has recommended that his son disappear from Madrid for a while and move to Aztec lands to distance himself from what happened. A flight forward until the storm caused by the infidelities with Tamara Falcó subsides, which have determined a break more notorious than those of Pique y Shakira o la de Esther Dona and the Judge Pedraz.
Mr. Onieva and his ex-wife, Carolina Molas, they separated years ago, and the two have remade their love lives. The children of that marriage stayed in Madrid with their mother. But they have not lost contact with their father.