The message that Daniel Sancho sent to his friends before going to prison: “I was defending my life and that of everyone I love”

Third night in prison in Koh Samui for the son of Rodolfo Sanchoconfessed author of killing and dismembering the Colombian surgeon last weekend Edwin Arrieta. Before entering the prison, where he is isolated in the hospital area, he was able to say goodbye to his friends and family through a message: “I was defending my life and that of everyone I love.”

Sancho Gracia’s grandson, who had access to a mobile phone with which he even contacted journalists, justified his crime and apologized to his loved ones: “I’m sorry that you have to be one of those people who suffer from this. He was threatening me so much me like my family. One day you will know the whole truth”.

Sancho has been accused of premeditated murder by the Thai police, who claim to have sufficient evidence to support said accusation, punishable in the country with the death penalty. The director of the Koh Samui prison where Daniel is located spoke to the Spanish media this Wednesday, assuring that the inmate is “nervous” and that he is receiving “medication to stay calm.” He also said that he shares an isolation cell with five other prisoners, who sleep on a mat on the floor and that they have cut his hair, which looked long until last Monday.