The management board of Barcelona took control of the club and presented themselves in the style of the board that has just resigned, that is, with an appearance without questions, in which they explained that the economic situation of the club is the great concern at the moment, even above the immediate call for elections, which apparently are not in such a hurry.
Carles tusquets, president of the management company because of his condition as president of the economic commission, assured that “We will call the elections as the English say 'as soon as possible'. We will do it as soon as possible, but emphasizing what is possible, we will not accept pressure for deadlines. We want the new board to have the maximum representation and that goes through elections with the largest possible participation. Next week we will call an appearance to explain in more detail the measures we will take. “

The manager has been trained with eight members from the Economic and Disciplinary Committee without including any member of the outgoing board of directors because the management company is concerned, as explained by its president, Carles Tusquests, mainly about “the economic situation.”
“The pandemic is especially affecting Barcelona. The club depends on tourism and now there is none, the situation is not comfortable, we have to collect the ideas of the previous meeting to remedy the evils that affect us”, Tusquets riveted
Accompanied him in the appearance Joan Manuel Trayter, Síndic del soci that introduced the parliaments, half an hour late on the scheduled time, talking about the historical difficulties of Barça such as the kidnapping of Quini or the bomb that fell in the Civil War as an example of the entity's ability to overcome difficulties. Then he explained who are the members of the manager and the functions of the same, which are summarized in calling elections and exercising the functions of government of the club in the necessary and essential acts for the operation of the entity.
In this sense, it seems that It is more urgent to finish the negotiations that the directive had established with the employees to reduce the salary scale by 190 million euros.