The Madrid Criterium will cross Gran Vía and Callao on October 29


The second edition of the Madrid Criterium of cycling will cross the Gran Vía and the Plaza de Callao in the capital of Spain on October 29 in a round trip circuit of more than a kilometer, as announced this Friday by the organizers.

The route will run entirely along Gran Vía, and the departure and arrival arch will be next to the iconic Plaza del Callao. In this way, the
Runners will start each lap in the direction of Alcalá Street and will make a 180-degree turn at the height of Fuencarral.

From there, they will return in the opposite direction until they reach another sharp curve at the intersection with San Bernardo, before facing the final stretch to the finish line.

The circuit, with free access from any of the streets that lead to Gran Vía, will have a wide range of facilities so that all spectators can enjoy the race from different points of the route.

The nerve center will be located in the Plaza del Callao, where there will be the different areas set up for cyclists, VIP guests, the media and spaces for complementary activities of Madrid Criterium, as well as the awards ceremony.