The construction of the New Bernabéu continues its advance. With the grass already installed last week, work continues now to continue with the structure of what will be the roof and the lower part of the stands. A good part of the ring of the upper and lower stands and also of the grandstand were demolished to facilitate the work of the machinery, as well as for the construction of the new logistics tunnel that will run through the guts of the Bernabéu.

In the photographs published by the Twitter profile @novobernabeu and the website you can perfectly appreciate the communication route that will be buried under the stands surrounding the entire field except the east side. In that part of the field, the side facing Padre Damián street, the tunnel will branch out beyond the perimeter of the pitch to serve the expansion of the museum that will be carried out in that part. A new entrance for heavy machinery is also being enabled on this eastern side, in the space between sectors 128 and 130.
Regarding the structure that will support the roof, the north truss is getting closer to meeting. The union of the two parts can be completed in the next few days. In a less advanced phase, but also at a good pace, is the southern truss. Likewise, the structure of the new towers that will support the weight also continues with its progress.