The low blow of Marta Riesco to the “great lady” of Olga Moreno: “She talks about some children that are not hers”

missile of Marta I can contra Olga Moreno on their social networks. The girlfriend of Antonio David Flores He has not bitten his tongue and has passed a sentence against his boyfriend’s ex-wife. Thus, the war that has dynamited the Flores family and that makes Rocío Carrasco herself so happy is heated.

Read also: The trick of Marta Riesco and Antonio David Flores to subsidize their dream life

He has heard that Olga Moreno’s sister, Raquel, could be calling her a “character”. A qualifier that deeply annoys the reporter from Fiestadespite the fact that he has spoken on the sets of his romance with the former civil guard.

“The sister of the great ‘lady’ calls me a character? The ‘prudent’ ones who don’t get into anything and who never talk about their private life? You know who wants to be a character and who didn’t stop until they got it through reality shows and exclusive, talking about children who are not his,” he wrote this weekend on his networks, answering a follower who further heated the war between the two parties.

Read also: Rocío Carrasco’s cartridges in the trial to prove that “she did not abandon her son”, David Flores

In other tweets, the young woman has shown her indignation and has charged those who criticize her on the networks: “I am not a doll with which to pay for your sad frustrations. I must not keep silent in the face of insults, humiliation and lies since I began my relationship with my partner. I have shown that I love him, I have rejected any economic offer and I have paid a very high price”.

In this sense, Riesco also had a few words of gratitude for Antonio David: “The important thing about all this is that my partner supports me and loves me and my partner’s family too. In the end, what is said around here has nothing to do with reality and today I wanted to express myself because no one has the right to what they do to me every day”. And he added: “A year later I am with who I want, with the job I want and with the illusion that the change that we all needed begins.”

It must be remembered that since his romance with Rocío Flores’ father was uncovered, everything has been a roller coaster of emotions. Her relationship has been marked by the criticism received. Also because of the crises they have gone through and which, for the moment, they have overcome until they come out on top. In addition, the young woman lost her job in Ana Rosa’s program and was reborn professionally in Fiestafrom the same producer.