A band. From the flood, from the water of Solar that sank his bones on Wednesday, in the Copa del Rey, passed the Spanish to the wind. To the leaf litter of the banana trees accumulated on one of the areas of Vallecas, like a modest soccer field, with hours in full sun and torreznos in the bar. Dry leaves that fall under their own weight and with the slightest shock, just like the right-handed band parakeet before Álvaro García. They squander the Blue and Whites to a notable extreme as Aleix Vidal -Demonstrated with his center to Raúl de Tomás, half a goal – placing him on the side, in favor of a Embarba who has played everything in this League without claiming even in his small homeland, in front of the street of Fofó Clown. Neither aid now from RdT, after Puado, later Darder, almost always of Yangel Herrera they hid the calamity. The most visible of a Espanyol that could only end as it ended. Losing to a rival who did not finish on goal.

The resistance. It usually happens this season at home, and lately already on any stage. From the Camp Nou, where that pattern was sublimated, RCDE Stadium Front of Real society, with an unbeatable result. He emulated him in Vallecas for the third consecutive game, but this time he did not come out. It was about resisting, playing with time as an ally. To celebrate in the internal forum a 0-0 at halftime, although it is true that against Rayo at least Espanyol drew some positional game actions, triangulations, control in the first half. Again, litter. Under the dust, a killer own goal in the 54th minute to nullify plan A.
Morlanes is plan B. What Espanyol cannot be denied, even in their worst performances, is that they rarely arrive beaten into the final minutes. In Vallecas he was about to show it Puado, first demanding Dimitrievski and then overcrossing it to RdT assistance. But, above all, Espanyol reacted in that final stretch with the entry of Morlanes, which is increasingly being confirmed as the great shock that positively shakes the gears of the team of Vicente Moreno as if they were those same trees that bare the trunk of leaves. The midfielder of the Villarreal, that already marveled in the second half against the Real society, the ownership.
The verification. The vivid image of what Espanyol would never do at home –with 17 points and five victories– but what could happen to the outside –with three points, five defeats and no victories– was the 1-0 action of Rayo. A bad clearance of Cabrera, always so sure in tasks of defensive forcefulness, an indecision of Sergi gomez and of Aleix Vidal to finish rounding off his day ‘horribilis’ and, back, an own goal by the Uruguayan that could well have been signed by any of the ‘nines’ who played in Vallecas: Guardiola, From Tomás O Falcao.
Sergi Darder and Yangel Herrera, lying on the grass after hitting head to head.
AFP7 via Europa Press
Signs. That it was not going to be the day of the parrots was anticipated, beyond the approach or the Rayista superiority, some facts. Such as the difficulty to find entry of some fans who had traveled more than 600 kilometers to the adventure, as there are no places for the visiting public or dispatch of any kind on the internet. Like the ball of Sergi gomez to the noble parts of Yangel Herrera in the first bars. Or like the head-to-head clash between the Venezuelan and Darder, resulting in Artà so damaged that he ended up playing with a visible bandage to the ‘Evasion or Victory’. And evasion came out, clearly. Espanyol’s black beast in Second has been it again in First. AND Isi, again ‘Isinho’. Will always remain Weather in Cornellà. At least in spring there will be no litter left.