Camas, Seville and the bullfighting world bid their last farewell to Paco Camino. The bullfighter, one of the greatest of the last century, who died last Sunday at the age of 84, was buried in his hometown in Seville, after which he was baptized as the Wise Boy of Camas. The funeral mass was held in the church of Santa María de Gracia on Wednesday morning, August 31.
His son Rafi Camino opened the funeral procession with his family and his friend El Litri who carried the coffin from the church to the Rotonda de los Toreros, in La Pañoleta. José Tomás embraced El Camino with great affection. The condolences were also received by the widow and third wife of the bullfighter, Isabel Sánchez Flor, visibly affected, and Marián Camino, Rafi’s sister. In addition to El Litri, Espartaco, Manuel Benítez el Cordobés, Miguel Abellá and Rafael de Paula, among other bullfighting figures, came to Camas to support the Camino family.

Hours before the funeral mass and the obsequies, the chapel of rest had been set up in the Camas Town Hall, where friends and fans came to show their condolences.
The Wise Boy from Camas passed away in the hospital in Navalmoral de la Mata, after his health condition worsened. After the sad news was made public, Rafi spoke proudly of his father’s legacy: “The best bullfighter in history, apart from my father.” And he recalled with nostalgia the years they spent together in the field with the bulls: “May he rest in peace,” he said.