They talk about it again Ramon Tamames because he is presented as a government alternative through a parliamentary vote of no confidence raised by the far-right party Vox, but this illustrious economist was a brilliant communist when he was young who was marked by his mother’s suicide, knowing personally Ava Gardner through his father’s influential acquaintances, and bonding with his wife and intellectual companion, Carmen Prietro-Castrowith whom he has had three children.
Tamames is one more example of the left-wing intellectuals who helped change Spain in the 1970s and 1980s, who had access to higher education because they came from a wealthy family and related to the Franco regime, and who in old age seem to deny how they saw the future of our country through clearly progressive ideas.
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The professor and analyst Tamames is running as an alternative to the government presidency with no less than 89 years of age. His ideology has changed so much that the Ramón who was one of the five children of the doctor is far away Manual Tames, doctor and surgeon. The his mother, carmen gomezshe was only dedicated to caring for her children and the fear of being abandoned, as her son has acknowledged, led her to commit suicide, which caused a great absence in the family.
As can be seen from his biography More than memoriesTamames recognized the benefits of the rationing imposed throughout the country by Grande Cobián in the 40s, which forced him as a child to eat lentils or garlic soup for dinner every day, although he ended up suffering from anemia, for which he learned from the countryside, the slaughter and rural life having to go to Extremadura to get cured.

As they remember in The worldhis intellect was awakened from a young age because his grandfather entertained the five little ones by reading to them The Quijotewhich made his passion for reading grow, although at home he also entertained himself painting and listening to music.
He studied at the French Lyceum, received a doctorate in Law in 1958 and in Economics six years later and specialized at the London School or Economics, a bajage that allowed him to know English, French, Italian, Portuguese and some German. He is also a professor of Economic Structure since 1968.
He is the author of the “bible” that most of the Spanish university students of letters have had to read; Economic Structure of Spain, which he wrote in 1960, the year in which he married Carmen Prieto-Castro, with whom he has had three children, Alicia, Moncho and Laura. His second greatest success was the book Introduction to the Spanish Constitution (1980).

On a personal level, the other woman who left a mark on him was none other than Ava Gardner, whom he met as a teenager and attended a dinner invited by her lover, the bullfighter. Luis Miguel Dominguínfather of Miguel Bose. Tamames’ father was the right-handed doctor and both he and her two older brothers were impressed by the beauty of the actress and her shamelessness, for the time, her fondness for alcoholic beverages.
The communist signer of the Constitution
Ramón was one of the signatories of the Magna Carta in 1978. At that time he was a member of the Communist Party of Spain and his postulates were totally anti-Franco, so his current alliance with the far-right party has left in doubt shock to all of Spain. He was even in jail for participating in the student revolts in 1956 and 1976, and he has always been proud of having been first deputy mayor during the mandate of Enrique Tierno Galvan as mayor of the city of Madrid.

Until now, he has always been a respected intellectual, very active despite his age, capable of practicing various sports, such as swimming or climbing, of not stopping reading, writing, giving lectures and analyzing Spain. It is hard for him to believe that an active member of NGOs such as Amnesty International or Greenpeace would join a political formation that denies climate change, is suspicious of refugees and rejects emigration. It is hard to believe that this is the real Ramón Tamames.