It was June 2015 when the courtship of Mario Vargas Llosa e Isabella Preysler. The Peruvian Nobel Prize winner then left his wife and mother of his three children, Patricia. Months earlier, in September 2014, the queen of hearts was widowed from Miguel Boyer.
Read also: Vargas Llosa talks about his poisoned story and assures that it is not “revenge” against Isabel Preysler
When the relationship became known within the family, Patricia would have done everything possible to get in touch with Isabel. She hoped that the relationship would not go any further and her husband would return to her: “Isabel tells Mario: ‘Hey, your ex-wife won’t stop calling.’ Seeing that she wasn’t going to pick up the phone, she sends him the letter. He asks him not to make his relationship with Mario public”, Pilar Vidal told this Monday in Public mirror.

Patricia would also have put her in the background: “Patricia warns him that he has already done it more times. That his marriage may seem to be broken, but that it has been like this for years… That the infidelities consented to by her were continuous, and not take the Nobel seriously”.
Read also: Mario Vargas Llosa remembers the fairytale nights when it was “delicious to undress”
Tamara Falcó’s mother announced her breakup on December 28. According to her version, the main reason for the disagreements was the writer’s unfounded jealousy. According to the environment of the author of The party of the goattheir different lifestyles.