The last night I spent with you: Federico from Denmark came to Madrid to break up with Genoveva Casanova

Genoveva Casanova now appears as a victim of the scandal of his photographs with Frederick of Denmark and some presenters, journalists or television guests have implied that the ex-wife of Cayetano Martínez de Irujo is suffering a lot from the media pressure generated after being published in the magazine Readings and with great detail a very complete report of her walk, her dinner and other Madrid episodes of the Mexican with the heir to the throne of Denmark. She has also been painted as a victim of a country that crushes women and then pretends to be modern and progressive.

It is true that Genoveva suffered from a lung problem from which she has not yet recovered, and that all this may be generating a state of anxiety that could take its toll on her. There has been talk of concern about her emotional state. They say she is isolated, she has blocked the phone, and she does not want to find out what is happening on the doctors’ recommendation. We have no information about the emotional state of Mary Donaldson.

Among the speeches that have been heard in defense of Genoveva we find a range that goes from the almost naive ‘this is not what it seems’, expression that could summarize the first versions given by the protagonist of the matter herself, when ‘we are only friends’, passing through that of its environment, in the sense that ‘Genoveva is a free woman who can do whatever she wants’.

But in all facets of journalism, including that which covers social reporting, we give more value to facts than to sayings. And the facts are devastating: Federico of Denmark came to Madrid on a private trip (we are not aware that he had told his wife), he walked through El Retiro with Genoveva, he changed at his house to go to dinner together in a booth, They returned from the evening after one in the morning, entered the residence of the Duchess of Alba’s former daughter-in-law, and the next morning, Mary Donaldson’s husband left the house.

But, two days after the magazine was published, they told us that Genoveva Casanova and Federico from Denmark have been seeing each other for months and the Madrid date was by no means the only one. This fact alone destroys the first versions given through the magazine Hola, in which the story was explained that a common friend of the Mexican woman who was going to act as a cicerone for His Royal Highness was infected with Covid and ordered the ex-girlfriend of José María Michavila to guide Queen Margaret’s son on his trip to the capital of Spain.

But the most surprising thing about the new information that reaches us is that Frederick of Denmark had actually come to Madrid to meet face to face with her friend Genoveva Casanova with the purpose of telling her in person that their ‘friendship’ (let’s put it that way) had to end and that Genoveva, being aware of the intentions of Mary Donaldson’s husband, preferred that the public know about their relationship (the whatever) with the future Danish monarch. It doesn’t matter to us that he did it by calling photographers, as various media outlets have suggested, as well as Danish media, or that he evaded it by taking her friend Royal to places where she knew there was a very high probability of being photographed.

It has been said that Genoveva Casanova does not benefit from this scandal And it may be true; Another thing is that she calculated other consequences and that it has gotten out of her hands. It is true that she is ‘missing’ as they say, and that many people around her prefer not to have her near them. We already published this Friday that The Albas don’t want to see her around. Only Cayetano, father of her children, maintains the relationship; although they assure us that he is “going up the wall” with all this and that Barbara Mirjan She is not at all comfortable with being taken out with her boyfriend and her ex every now and then. Furthermore, many friends around her do not get close to her either: the group of Paloma Cuevas, Cristina Yanes, etc., does not support her either.

There are those who try to disguise the relationship that outrages Mary Donaldson saying that Genoveva and Federico saw each other with more friends, with other members of royalty, or with other groups and that they usually held meetings or had dates in private homes, but always talking about a friendship; Yes, a relationship that has led them to see each other “several times a year”, according to our sources.

Federico learned that he had been recorded by his security service

Sources from the Danish embassy assure Informalia what Prince Frederick’s security service was aware that the heir had been captured by paparazzi. His Royal Highness was informed early in the morning of last Thursday, October 26, that his “activity” with the Mexican in Madrid had been photographed and perhaps videotaped. It was then that he contacted Genoveva to obtain more information about it. Some sources claim that she tried to stop the publication of the report, as was suggested this Friday on the program. Public mirror, from Antena 3. But the version that reaches us is that That was what she told him but it didn’t really move one finger. Sources from the agency to which the photographers who made the report belong explain to Informalia that there was “a desire for this material to be published and not withdrawn,” they assure us, and that “only an amount that multiplied the price of the report by seven” would have led them to sell it so that it could be kept in a drawer. “They wanted to be sure that he would come out because if they had not taken him to Hola”they insist. Who wanted those photographs to come to light?

Economic situation of Cayetana

Genoveva Casanova’s financial situation is not buoyant, although her lifestyle is a fairy tale for most people. To begin with, she lives in a 230 square meter rental apartment in Los Jerónimos, one of the best areas of Madrid, for which she pays a rent higher than the three thousand euros per month which come from the income that her ex-husband gives her and that some sources put years ago at 8,000 euros per month, although Cayetano renegotiated that amount when her children finished their studies. Luis already works in London, at JP Morgan as we reported from Informalia in the scoop, but Amina is studying a master’s degree that Cayetano pays for.

Daughter of a snake charmer, Genevieve’s true profession would be that of being famous, what we call today. influencer, who charges to promote brands, run advertising campaigns, attend events, pose in photocalls or participate in contests such as Masterchef Celebrity, where he collected a good pinch. The term ‘connoisseur of art’ is said because her mother-in-law placed her as director of projects and institutional relations at the Casa de Alba foundation, a position that the new director took away from her when Cayetana died.