In his Christmas speech, King Felipe VI emphasized the need for Spain to adapt to technological changes and the green revolution, and defended the use of European funds to promote a modernization program. “It is a unique opportunity that cannot be missed,” he said.
The challenges that the pandemic has brought with it pose a “real crossroads” for Spain but also “a historic opportunity” to “update and modernize our country,” he said, stressing that institutions have a great “responsibility” in this task.
In a close message, the King has made mention of the problems caused by the pandemic, praising the success of science in preventing the worst of the covid with its vaccines. And he recalled the great problems that affect families, especially the rise in electricity prices and unemployment, especially among the youngest, although he celebrated that the worst of the crisis has already passed in terms of job creation .
Above all, Don Felipe has stressed the importance of the European Union, a club of democratic and free countries like Spain, to guarantee social and institutional stability and accelerate the economic development of the country.
The monarch, who began his message with a few words of encouragement for the citizens of La Palma a few hours after the completion of the eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano, has once again taken the opportunity to appeal to institutional understanding and consensus and to vindicate the Constitution of 1978. “Understanding and collaboration are necessary attitudes that dignify institutions,” he stressed. Furthermore, he has limited, “they strengthen them, because they generate the trust of citizens.”
Differences of opinion, Don Felipe has influenced, “should not prevent consensus that guarantees greater stability, greater well-being in homes and give the families the necessary peace of mind about their future.”
And for this, the King has defended the need for all institutions to comply with and respect the law and to be “an example of public and moral integrity” at a time when all eyes are on the possible return of his father, Don Juan Carlos, who has not been mentioned at any time.
Defense of the Constitution
If something represents the transformation experienced, it is the Constitution, he asserted, “whose spirit calls us to unity in the face of division, dialogue and not confrontation, respect in the face of resentment, the integrating spirit in the face of exclusion.” It also “permanently summons us to a civic, serene and free coexistence,” he added.
“The Constitution has been and is the main beam that has favored our progress, the one that has sustained our democratic coexistence in the face of serious and serious crises of different nature” experienced by Spain and for all this, it has claimed, deserves “respect, recognition and loyalty. “
The moment we are living “is difficult”, the monarch acknowledged, “but stopping today is staying behind, it is going back”. For this reason, it has opted to “move on” since if history has taught anything, it is that the Spanish have known how to react and overcome adversity.
The future that opens before us, he added, requires everyone “responsibility, willingness to collaborate and understand each other” and also requires that “we trust more in our own strength as a nation.” At this point, Don Felipe has assured that he has no doubts about the commitment and ability of the Spanish and that “with determination, with drive and character we will achieve it.”