The king and queen offer their condolences to the British Embassy: “Elizabeth II will be a source of inspiration for all”

Don Felipe y Letizia they have gone to the house of the UK ambassador in Spain, Hugh Elliotto offer his condolences and show his condolences after the death of the queen of England. Isabel IIwho was related to the Spanish royal family, died this Thursday, September 8, at her Balmoral residence at the age of 96.

Doña Letizia, who has altered her official agenda to return to La Palma before and be able to accompany her husband on this date, has opted for rigorous mourning as a sign of respect for the sovereign. Both have greeted Hugh Elliot with great affection, grateful for the gesture. Once inside the embassy, ​​Don Felipe was in charge of writing a farewell message to His Majesty in the book of condolences: “Of our great respect and admiration, as well as our deep sadness, we leave testimony in this book of condolences for the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II”.

“His example of dignity, severity and tireless dedication to the service of the United Kingdom and its people will forever be an inspiration to all,” it continues. “We express our condolences with brotherly affection to King Charles III and the Queen Consort, to the royal family, to the government and to all the British people,” she concludes.

Just a few hours before, King Felipe VI attended an event at the Real Alcázar in Seville, where the flags flew at half-staff as a sign of mourning, and there he had some emotional words for the longest-living monarch in the United Kingdom: “We have received It is with great sadness that we hear the news of the death of Queen Elizabeth II. It is not easy at this time to convey completely or faithfully our deep feelings, both personal and family and institutional, of loss in her absence and of immense respect for her figure and seven-year career. decades of reign. Queen Elizabeth will be remembered as one of the best Queens of all time for her dignity, sense of duty, courage and dedication to her people always and at all times. The United Kingdom and the world are in mourning today ” .
