The judge appoints two experts to assess the actions of the Al Thani

The titular judge of the Court of Instruction number 14 of Malaga has decided appoint the experts Victoria Oliva and Salvador Pedraza for the valuation of the shares and participations that the Al Thani family owns Málaga and also in the companies NAS Football SL, NAS Spain 2000 SL and Nasir bin Abdullah and Sons SL. Judge Ruiz González has chosen these two experts from the list of account auditors for judicial and expert proceedings for the year 2021 of the Malaga College of Economists.

Sources from the Association of Small Shareholders of Malaga state that the judge has considered “appropriate” the appointment of two experts for this appraisal process “Given the entity of the expert opinion and the complexity that its preparation may entail”.

Coat of Arms / Flag Málaga

Ruiz González ordered at the time the precautionary seizure of the shares and assets of the Al Thani to cover the 8.5 million bond imposed on the Sheikh and his sons Nasser, Nayef and Rakan. Likewise, the judge also ordered the Precautionary seizure of four luxury vehicles, three cars and a motorcycle, for which the appraiser was already appointed days ago.