‘The island of temptations’ spray records in Telecinco with the reunion of Montoya, Anita and Manuel

The island of temptations He has broken all his records with the most anticipated reunion, which they starred in Motoya, Anital after their love triangle that they maintained during the time they spent in the Dominican Republic. Three months later, the reality contestants presented by Sandra Barneda returned to see their faces and broke audimeters.

The island of temptations This Monday razes in Telecinco with a 26.9% Share and 2,211,000 spectators. The reality exceeds any data of a chain that lives difficult moments, but is also well above the great hits of the channel. Thus, for example, it exceeds comfortable The audience that last Thursday reaped the premiere of the new edition of Survivors.

The island of temptations: three months later Vapulea to all their rivals, although some endure better than others. For example, the series Be reborn Antenna 3 resists very well, even rises, with 11.2%. However, Bake Off CAE at the historical minimumup to 7.8% in the prime time of 1.

The success of The island of temptations It also became evident in the Access Strip, where Telecinco issued a section – the gala will give up in two – to compute directly against El Hormiguero y The revolt. That segment (Express) reap 17.4% (it gathers 2,443,000, the most watched of the day). Pablo Motos is second with 14.6%, far ahead of Broncanowhich remains of a fallen layer with a discreet 11.3%. If we analyze the strip of strict coincidence of El Hormiguero y The revoltmotorcycle advantage is overwhelming: 14.4% against 11.3%.
