The Infanta Cristina, in India: flower necklaces, the yellow ‘bindi’ and ride in Mac Auto

Felipe VI’s sister has traveled to New Delhi, in India, with the program Work4Progress of the La Caixa Foundation to promote employment among women and young people in vulnerable situations. With a white shirt and blue jeans, Cristina He attended the information sessions and toured the Basant local fruit producers’ market.

The Infanta Cristina traveled to the capital of India, where she participated on Thursday, November 24, in a meeting of the Fundación la Caixa program in the Asian country Work4Progress, which has generated over five years, some 14,000 jobs among women and vulnerable youth. Thanks to this initiative, 7,000 micro-enterprises have also been created.

Read also: Iñaki Urdangarin and the Infanta Cristina paralyze their divorce until next year and we know why

Cristina, in charge of the international area of ​​the foundation, was accompanied by the Spanish ambassador in New Delhi. She wore three necklaces of orange, red and white flowers and the bindi yellow on the forehead, a color that symbolizes prosperity. During her tour of the market, the former Duchess of Palma had the opportunity to share a ride aboard a Mc Auto with other women.

This solidarity trip of the infanta coincides with the last hour of her divorce from Iñaki Urdangarin. A process stalled, apparently, due to Irene’s age: 17 years. Her parents would be waiting for the youngest of the house to turn 18 to start the divorce proceedings, according to the program And now Sonsoles. Irene will come of age on June 5, 2023.