At a time when it seemed that peace reigned in the yellow house, the images used by UD Las Palmas to justify the termination of the Gran Canaria midfielder Pedro Tanausú Domínguez Placeres, who had a contract until June 2023, have been released. A report prepared by the Mira Detectives agency at the request of the club, the athlete is seen several times going to the Osiris Sisha Lounge pub in Las Palmas at night, where he is photographed smoking shishas or hookahs, as reported by the newspaper La Provincia.

This investigation adds that on June 25, two days before playing against Elche, a match in which the player was a substitute, Tana and his girlfriend were observed in said place at 12 o'clock at night “settled in the back of the place, each smoking a Shisha, while looking at the mobile phone and he is taking a bottle of water”, while after the dispute of the aforementioned meeting “we see that the investigated is still accommodated in his chair, smoking a shisha and drinking a 7Up soda, while watching a football game on TV.”
On the other hand, this investigation adds alleged cases of speeding, parties in a chalet (although in no case they claim to see him), allegedly skipping social distancing measures on a boat and carrying out training on their own while injured. Tana has appealed this decision of the club and considers “there is no act of indiscipline, nor that it violates the internal regime and, therefore, there is no argument by which the club can terminate my contract”, as he wrote on the eighth of September on their social networks. According to information from La Provincia, in addition to Tana, the detectives hired by the UD board watched five other soccer players from the professional team. After receiving the corresponding follow-up reports, the club decided not to sanction any of them.