The “I don’t want to see you anymore” by Ortega Cano against Ana María Aldón and the plans of the Sanlúcar

the house that Ana Maria Aldon prepares with great enthusiasm to start her new life as an independent woman is a single-family home, half an hour from Madrid, located in El Casar, just where the province of Guadalajara begins.

In a room of about 50 square meters, the ex-wife of Jose Ortega Cano she is conditioning what will be her workshop to work as a designer. It is the profession for which she was preparing for many months, when she was still living her marriage with the bullfighter with apparent normality. Her intention is also to open a store in the town, although she needs more time to implement that idea.

All his professional plans, as well as the mortgage to pay for the house, he does with no help other than his work. Apparently, she has never received financial support from her husband, nor does she want to have it now after they are divorced.

“Get out of here, I don’t want to see you anymore”

People close to Ana María’s family say that when the woman from Sanlúcar organized her workshop in the family home where she lived with the right-handed man from Cartagena and their common son, little José María, Ortega Cano occupied his wife’s room and work table and filled it with his bullfighter’s belongings, those that will go to the museum that the widower of Rocio Jurado he thinks he will remember his career as a matador. Her gesture of making her wife’s work difficult was a lack of respect and consideration for her. But the turning point that caused the definitive fracture of the marriage occurred this past summer, when on July 24 Ortega Cano told his wife: “Get out of here, I don’t want to see you anymore.” However, she continued in the bullfighter’s chalet in Fuente del Fresno, although she accepted that the relationship was mortally wounded.

There is no lack of illusions and projects in the future of Ana María. Her contract with Telecinco has been extended until June of this 2023. On the other hand, she is determined to live the life that she did not have time to enjoy until now. Years ago, she had to take care of her mother and the daughter she had from her first complicated relationship.

Ten years ago the bullfighter appeared, with whom he has lived from 34 to 45 years old now. A time that includes the two years in which José was incarcerated in the Zaragoza prison and Ana María supported him to the fullest, moving to live in that city.

Their wedding did not take place until September 2018, but the couple never undertook a honeymoon, they have never had a pleasure trip, nor have they been seen at an intimate dinner, typical of a well-matched marriage. Ana María has silenced many of these episodes on television sets, which have been a great disappointment for her. She privately regrets that Ortega Cano has never taken his biological son to the Disney park in Paris, where he was with his eldest children, Gloria Camila and José Fernando. There are many grievances accumulated over the 10 years together, until one day, Ana María said enough is enough.