Wave of affection and words of admiration in tribute to Marisa Paredes, after her death this Tuesday the 17th at the age of 78. The burning chapel with the mortal remains of the beloved actress was installed this Wednesday the 18th in the Spanish Theater, the one that Marisa saw as a child so close to the house where she was born, in Madrid’s Plaza de Santa Ana. Her daughter María Isasi, from Rigorous mourning, he carried two roses in his hand, one yellow and the other red. Next to her was Chema Prado.
In the same Spanish Theater where Isasi represented Bohemian lightsthe Valle Inclán classic, and where Marisa went to see her daughter perform last Sunday the 15th; In that same scenario, the wake has been installed. Her widower, Chema Prado, acted as host and received the friends who came. Kisses, condolences and hugs have flooded the doors of the theater.
Tribute to Marisa at the Goya Awards
In the theater lobby we saw the Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, who has given a very affectionate hug of condolences to Chema Prado. Yolanda was accompanied by the Minister of Culture, Ernest Urtasun, who announced a tribute to the actress at the Goya Awards ceremony: “Great of our culture, friend, reference and a person committed to the society in which she lived,” he said. outstanding. Furthermore, they have approached Oscar LopezMinister for Digital Transformation; Reyes Maroto and the president of Congress, Francina Armengol. “She is one of the greats. I was lucky enough to meet her recently. She scolded me because she said that we have to do even more against the right and not let them overwhelm us,” Díaz slipped.

The sadness of Elena Anaya
The Almodóvar girls have come together. Loles León and Bibiana Fernández have approached. They were together, holding hands. Loles, with a beret and black sunglasses; Bibiana, also in mourning, with a gray wool coat and sneakers.

Elena Anaya, heartbroken, embraced Rossy de Palma in a hug. The actor and theater director attended the wake Lluís Homar, the producer Enrique Cerezopresident of Atlético de Madrid; Eduard Fernández, Guillermo Montesinos, Juan Diego Botto, Javis Javier Ambrosio and Javier Calvo, among others.

One of the first to approach It was the filmmaker Juan Antonio Bayona. Yesterday the director wrote some words of admiration for the actress: “A legend, an immortal presence in Spanish cinema and beyond its borders. Marisa Paredes had that aura of myth, but she was also a close woman.” They have visited the burning chapel Jose Sacristan; Juan Echanove, very affected, and Pastora Vega. Also, Gabino Diego and Ginés García Millán, who gives life to Max Estrella alongside Isasi in the montage of Bohemian lights.