Carla Vigo became news a few days ago after being seen in a commercial area handing out propaganda. The young woman tries to earn money while she fights for her dream of becoming a successful actress. In networks, in addition, she has launched a very significant message.
read also – Carla Vigo, niece of Queen Letizia, distributes propaganda on the street: “I have to do it to earn money”
“When a star goes out, we continue to see its light. They leave us their essence, as you did. An example of overcoming and courage. For the war you won and the peace you transmitted”, the daughter of the disappeared has written Erika Ortizwho was found dead on February 7, 2007. Along with these words, a photo of some flowers and some pots.

On the comments wall, all have been affectionate messages of support: “Nice example for all of how, although life hits us hard, everything can be overcome, with serenity, love, hope, and with a great deal of strength and struggle Life is that”, “How proud that star must feel with these beautiful words” or “You are light and kindness”, some users have written.
read also – The ‘haters’ sink Carla Vigo: “Perhaps I am not enough to do my job well”
Erika Ortiz, the youngest of Queen Letizia’s sisters, died at the age of 31 at her home in Madrid. The youngest daughter of the Ortiz Rocasolano family was found dead on February 7, 2007 by her boyfriend, the cameraman Alberto Garciain the bedroom of the house in Vicálvaro where the queen of Spain had lived as a single woman.
Graduated in Fine Arts and separated from Antonio Vigo, she left a four-year-old daughter, Carla Vigo, who began to acquire a certain public notoriety in the media after coming of age. The young woman she has worked with Raphael Bitter con barren and was about to premiere another play with him, but it was canceled this summer. Currently, she is working on a project with Josele Roman.
Another death that marked Carla’s life was that of her great-grandmother Menchu Alvarez del Valle. Doña Letizia’s grandmother died in July 2021 at the age of 93 due to a lung problem.