The heartbreaking but essential message from Mercedes Milá to Fayna about El Yoyas

The arrest of Carlos ‘El Yoyas’ in l’Anoia (Barcelona) after remaining in an unknown location for 19 months and after being sentenced to five and a half years in prison, has brought with it a wave of reactions through social networks. One of the public figures who has spoken out the most on the subject has been Mercedes Dearpresenter of Big Brother from the year 2000 to 2015.

Big Brother left many scenes engraved in my memory forever. I have never spoken about the most delicate ones out of respect for the protagonists, but today’s is different.“, Milá began by explaining on her Instagram account.

In her reflection, the presenter recalled that, when El Yoyas’ violent behaviour began, those responsible for the reality show immediately expelled him. “Carlos and Fayna’s love was a relationship lived minute by minute by the millions of viewers who watched the programme with delight and, of course, by the team that produced it. But it was not long before bad manners and violent scenes began, forcing those responsible to expel him from the house.“, he pointed out.

The journalist also admitted that she did not know the hell Fayna was living through until El Yoyas was tried and sentenced. In addition, in her publication, the author of What I get out of the bolus has called the accused “a textbook abuser“.

I never knew what hell Fayna and the children were going through. I knew it when he was tried and sentenced.. Carlos Navarro he was a book abuser and, despite that, Fayna Bethencourt had to fight hard so that justice would listen to her, admit her evidence and protect her from the father of her children,” Mercedes Milá stated in her publication.

The journalist finished her writing by addressing Fayna to whom she dedicated some heartfelt words. “Now the joy of knowing it in prison is bitter but it is fair and above all safe. Dear Fayna, how great you have been during all this eternal time. You have given us all so many lessons! Your blue eyes have seen the blackest of heartbreak and yet you have maintained an amazing dignity. I leave here a lot of love for you and for the children I met when they were very little in my bookstore, where their father wanted to sell that book of poetry,” the presenter concluded.

Thus, after Fayna reacted to Navarro’s arrest through her social networks, Milá already showed her support with an encouraging and emotional message last Thursday. “As Ana Bernal says, dignity, sincerity and resistance have made you great. You, Fayna, are such an example that all women and many men today are happy with you and your family. I send you my biggest hug here.”Mercedes wrote on her social networks in a sign of her commitment to the fight against gender violence.
