She has been the absolute protagonist of Wednesday’s ‘prime-time’ on Spanish television, and not only because she has done a double by participating in Blood ties (TV) and The musical (Telecinco) but because when we thought we already knew everything about Ana Obregon, She surprises us with new, unpublished details of her life and career.
“I had a tumor in my stomach”
That’s what the new program is about. Carlos Sobera, a journey through the life of a famous person in musical format. Ana Obregón has become a brand new godmother dressed, for the first time on television since her son Aless died, in a flattering floral print dress (until her granddaughter was born, she only used white or black) . She began her review excitedly when remembering her parents, who died in 2021 (Ana) and 2022 (Antonio): “They were mother and father. She was softer, my father was more rigid. She had started working when she was 11, cleaning latrines in the postwar period, and he wanted us to know what it was like to earn one’s bread. With five siblings, the house was a party: “It was always full of people, of friends. We have been very close and we continue to be.”

But Ana soon discovered the less kind side of life: “As a child I had a benign tumor in my stomach, they removed 13 or 15 centimeters, but everything turned out great. I became very thin and I didn’t like it at school, so I started to devise an ideal world,” he said. “That’s when they started calling me fantastic Anita.”
“He made the frogs ejaculate”
Then came university: “I wanted to study Biology to research cancer. I was very studious, a representative of my class… In the laboratory they always called me and I had to go out to make the frogs ejaculate, to then do in vitro and the rest”. Sobera asked, amazed: “And how is that done?” Between laughs, Ana explained: “Well, you just hit him in the stomach a little bit and that’s it…”.
“I had breast surgery for Bo Derek”
At this time, Ana met Miguel Bosé at a party (“He took away all the complexes I had about my thinness”) and had her first flirtations with the world of acting. “They took me to make a movie, but my father wouldn’t let me. He told me to finish my degree.” The best ally in those first moments in the world of acting was Julio Iglesias: “He was a very good friend of my parents. In fact, they went to his wedding with Isabel. He is a very good friend of mine and I love him very much.” He took her in at her house in Miami, where she did her first casting: “He consoled me and told me ‘Don’t worry, you’ll get it.'”

And he got it. With Bo Derek in Bolero: “I was woman 10, a beauty. That’s when I decided to have breast surgery, because I didn’t have tits.” Shortly after, Obregón’s famous summer pose arose: “When my son was born, he was one year old and I wanted to see him play and enjoy in the sea, but there were many paparazzi, the child got scared, he cried… So I took him and I went down to talk to the photographers: I posed for free for them and they left me alone. They respected it for two years,” he said. “But hey, I think it’s nice that my posing has remained as a symbol of the beginning of summer.”

“Anita smells like my son Aless”
The visit of his great friend Ra has been one of the most exciting moments. Holding back tears, Ana said: “I hadn’t seen him since I went to Miami. I didn’t want anyone to find out what I was going to do and I told family and friends that I was going to Punta Cana to grieve for my parents.” When Anita was two days old, the press called me to tell me that the news was going to come out and then I had to call them all to tell them first. I made a video call with my brothers, with Ra, with Susana (Uribarri) and they I said ‘Look, meet Aless’s daughter.’ The actress has tiptoed around the criticism and commotion generated by her decision to become a ‘mother’ at the age of 68 through surrogacy with her dead son’s semen: “In Spain it caused a commotion but I didn’t find out about it and I don’t care. What I do with my life is my problem.”

Three years ago, Ana faced a mother’s worst nightmare: the death of her son. “I took Aless to the hospital because he had been feeling sick for days. We thought it was gastroenteritis but after the tests they told me that he had a ten-centimeter tumor.” And she continues: “My son made it very easy for me. He fought with so much bravery, so much courage and sense of humor that he carried me along. I asked him to complain, but he never did.”
Ana has completely broken down in front of a video that reviewed the happiest moments in her son’s childhood. Sobera has not been able to hold back his tears either: “I am going to stop doing this program,” he said. “What happened to me is a tragedy that I wouldn’t wish on anyone, but despite all the bad things, life is worth living. My son said ‘Collect moments, not things’. Twenty-seven years is nothing, he had right to live longer. He was everything, my friend, my protector, he was the man of the house.”

Now, he is left with his legacy, his daughter Anita: “Two weeks before he died, my son asked me for a piece of paper. He told me ‘Mom, I don’t know if this chemo is going to work, if I go, I want to leave a child.’ on this Earth. It was her last wish, and what kind of mother does not fulfill her son’s last wish? Anita smells like Aless, I have come back to live again. Life now has meaning,” she said through tears.