They act as hawks in the area at the Reale Arena. Willian José (Porto Calvo, 1991), Jon Bautista (Errenteria, 1995) and Alexander Isak (Solna, 1999) are the three footballers most in line with the opposite area, three forwards in search of their prey. The realistic team is the one most associated with the goal (22 goals in 12 official matches) and among the three they have four targets. A report on the website of the San Sebastian club, current leader of LaLiga, has brought them together with three hawks who make sure that the birds do not pierce the stadium's EFTE or eat the seeds that are planted on the grass.

“It's just a matter of time,” argues Isak. “We have many chances and only the goals are missing,” he adds. “We are winning and we are playing well which, in the end, is what matters most.” Bautista adheres to this thesis: “There are many games, many occasions and, therefore, sooner or later the goals will come.”
Willian José, for his part, understands that the team is above all else and that the three forwards must be fine “for when we have the opportunity to go out, take advantage of it.” The Brazilian is convinced that “all three of us have quality and we have a goal, which is good for the team and for 'Ima' when he needs us.”
Bautista was the hero against Rijeka in the Europa League, Willian José is in a more secondary role this year and Isak has to reconnect with the good run. “The team is doing very well, adding the three points in each game and we must continue like this with this intensity until the end,” says the Brazilian. And 'Bautistuta' adds that “from the preseason it was seen that the team was well and we are all happy with how we are”.