The photos that come to light this Wednesday leave little room for imagination. dove caves y Luis Miguel, very accomplices for Bilbao while they affectionately hold each other by the back and waist. The smile of the Cordovan businesswoman speaks for itself, as does the fifteen-year-old look that Sol de México shows.
Read also – Paloma Cuevas and Luis Miguel: private jet and dinner in Bilbao with Rosa Clará
The images are being highly commented: “They have been together since last year, even since before the summer. Palomita, as the family calls her, was always her platonic love,” Paloma García-Pelayo assured this Wednesday in Ana Rosa’s program. “She is excited and living in the moment. She wants to live without any kind of limitations,” added the journalist.

The ex of Enrique Ponce and the singer of La Bikena They continue to enjoy their love story inside and outside of Madrid. They no longer hide and this weekend they went to Bilbao in the artist’s private jet to attend a dinner in the company of some friends, among whom was the designer Rosa Clarawith whom Paloma collaborates on a professional level and to which she has a very good personal relationship.
Read also: The secret road map of Paloma Cuevas and Luis Miguel to proclaim their love to the four winds
The two have been friends for decades and it was even common for them to share plans with Enrique Ponce when he was still had not left his wife to start a relationship with the twenty-something Ana Soria. Friendship has grown and this report, one of the best paid in recent months, no longer leaves room for doubt.