All he had to do was ask the journalists to bow down as he passed. We’ve never seen her so angry. Infanta Elena with the reporters. She confronted them, and when they addressed her as Elena, she responded angrily, “doña Elena”, demanding a treatment that distances herself from populism and normality.
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The daughter of the emeritus kings, they say, suffers from her father’s exile and the problems with her two sons. All this creates an anxiety out of the ordinary. And that’s why she gets so angry. The firstborn of Juan Carlos I She said “I’m finished” before the microphones of the reporters.

As we already anticipatedon Thursday she was reunited on Ira de Furstenberg’s birthday at the Liria palace with her ex-husband, Jaime de Marichalar, and they totally ignored each other. There was not even a simple greeting, as you have already told Informalia. Total silence, lack of friendly affections.
The circumstances of life, the situation of his father and the difficult stage experienced by his sister Cristinaafter his breakup with Iñaki UrdangarinThey bill you. He loves his father and his sister very much, he makes his problems his own and gets too involved. He can’t help it.

That is why anyone importunes him, in this case the Press, subjecting him to a street interrogation about his family. But Elena, sorry, Dona Elena, you should take care of your manners and not show so much irascibility in public. For the good of the Monarchy. And because although she is no longer a Royal Family, she still has escorts that we all pay with public money.