The Camp Nou Animation Stand will not be present this coming Monday in the match between Barça and Cádiz, as a protest against the serious events that occurred last Thursday at the Estadi, in the second leg of the Europa League quarter-final against Eintracht Frankfurt, with the invasion of more than 30,000 fans of the German team spread over all sectors of the stands. This is what they have assured this Sunday, through a statement: “The events that occurred on Thursday mean that we are obliged to take action, as we did during the game and on other occasions, and precisely for this we will not attend the next Barça-Cádiz“.
They also qualify what happened against the German team as “a day that will be marked forever as the greatest infamy happened in our housebecoming the stone guests of a foreign party”. They also add that “as a hobby, we have experienced a social humiliation that we can never forget”.
In the statement, the Animation Grandstandwho on Thursday already left his place at Gol Nord at the end of the first half and during the first 10 minutes of the second half, also regret and express their surprise at “like an invasion, announced for weeks, It has gone completely unnoticed by the Department of Security and the Mossos d’Esquadra and we wonder if it was a surprise or if inaction has been promoted to get three million in box office; It has not been a surprise either that they have paid special attention to the Barça fans and have neglected the appearance of more than 30,000 German fans.” In addition, they are grateful “within the seriousness of the facts, that the Frankfurt fans were not the most conflictive in Europe since who knows where we would be right now with another hobby”.
In his explanations, Animation Grandstand recalls that “the perversion of the ‘Seient Lliure’ system promoted by the club has been a trend in recent seasons, facilitating access to tourists and contrary hobbies through an unaffordable price policy for the Catalan public, but the facts of this season exceed any limit and unnecessarily endanger the social mass of Barça”.
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