Giant steps for Leonor in these last weeks before turning of age on October 31. For this reason, the Government has awarded the princess the Collar of the Royal Order of Charles III.
It was President Pedro Sánchez who proposed this concession, which was approved by the Council of Ministers this Tuesday in a royal decree. The princess follows in the footsteps of her father, then Prince Philip, when she received the Order on January 24, 1986, a week before turning 18 and swearing in the Constitution. Photo below, the King with the Order (the largest) in a pose.
The Princess of Asturias will swear in the Magna Carta in a solemn session at the Palacio de las Cortes. Afterwards there will be an institutional ceremony in the Royal Palace where the head of the Executive will impose the Collar of the Royal Order of Charles III in the presence of the kings and representatives of the main institutions of the State.