The Government approves the new CELAD statute that includes a Sanctioning Committee

The Madrid Doping Control Laboratory becomes dependent on the Carlos III Institute to meet the requirements of WADA


The Council of Ministers has approved this Tuesday the new statute of the Spanish Commission for the Fight against Doping in Sport (CELAD), which includes among its novelties that the Madrid Doping Control Laboratory becomes dependent on the Carlos III Health Institute, the inclusion of the Sanctioning Committee in the organization chart of CELAD and the transfer of the Department of Sport and Health to the CSD.

The Carlos III Health Institute, a public research body dependent on the Ministry of Science and Innovation, will manage the operation of the Madrid Doping Control Laboratory, a center accredited by the World Anti-Doping Agency (AMA).

This organic change of dependency occurs as a consequence of the need to comply with the mandatory separation and independence of the laboratories accredited by WADA with respect to the national anti-doping organizations.

The Doping Control Laboratory in Madrid, which will not change its current location in the facilities of the High Performance Center (CAR) in the capital of Spain, is integrated into the structure of the Carlos III depending on its Subdirectorate of Applied Services, Training and Research.

On the other hand, the new statute of CELAD also contemplates the inclusion in its structure of the Sanctioning Committee, a specific sanctioning body on which falls the competence to resolve sanctioning files for infractions as provided in the current Anti-Doping Law.

Finally, the Royal Decree approved this Tuesday establishes the transfer of the organizational structure of the health competencies in sport until now in the CELAD to the CSD, in compliance with the Royal Decree of February 2017 by which the Organic Law of June 2013 for the protection of athletes’ health and the fight against doping in sports activities.

The CSD thus assumes the competences of the Department of Sport and Health until now of CELAD, which is now called the General Subdirectorate of Sports Sciences.