The Government approves the distribution of 35 million among the Autonomous Communities to modernize facilities and promote sports

Within the framework of Component 26 Plan to Promote the Sports Sector of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan


The Council of Ministers has approved this Tuesday the proposal for territorial distribution and the distribution criteria between the Autonomous Communities and the cities of Ceuta and Melilla of a new item of 35 million euros for this 2022 to modernize sports facilities and promote exercise physical.

These grants are included in Component 26 ‘Sports Sector Promotion Plan’ of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. Of this amount, 26 million euros will be directed to the ecological transition of sports facilities to modernize the infrastructures of the High Performance Centers (CAR) and the existing Network of Centers in the Autonomous Communities, adapting them to criteria of sustainability and energy optimization .

Added to the 49 million euros already distributed during 2021 with this same objective, the investment reaches 75 million euros in two years, as approved at the last Sports Sector Conference.

On the other hand, the other 9 million euros of the item approved by the Council of Ministers will go to the implementation of a Prescription Plan for Activity and Physical Exercise. The objective of this investment is for the Autonomous Communities to develop and implement a plan to promote physical activity and sport for health (AFBS) through digital tools aimed at improving the accessibility and effectiveness of sports and health systems, in addition to intensifying the training of the professionals involved.

Given its link between sports, health and technology, this investment is part of the Digitization axis of Component 26. Once the Council of Ministers has approved the agreement authorizing the territorial distribution proposal and the distribution criteria, the next step will be its submission to the next Sports Sector Conference.

With the new investments belonging to the items for the digitization of sport and the modernization of sports facilities, in 2022 a total of 84 million euros have already been territorialized between the Autonomous Communities and the cities of Ceuta and Melilla.

This figure represents almost 30 percent of the 300 million directed to the Plan for the Promotion of the Sports Sector, and which is distributed in three main axes: the Digitization Plan (75 million), the Ecological Transition Plan (146 million) and the Sports Social Plan (77 million).