the game goes between posh

Gone are the times when the children of Infanta Cristinawith their blonde hair and white linen outfits, ran carefree through the Marivent gardens during family photo sessions. Today, Juan, Pablo, Miguel and Irene They are adults who begin to write their own stories, with new responsibilities and romantic relationships that, as expected, develop in the exclusive environment in which they have always lived. Although they have had volunteering experiences in developing countries, their partners do not come from sectors such as commerce or plumbing.

Miguel Urdangarinthe third child of the extinct marriage between the infanta and Iñaki Urdangarin, is the most recent to find love. At 22 years old, he is in a relationship with Olympia Beracasaa 20-year-old Venezuelan girl from a wealthy family. Although some might think that Miguel has ‘stuck his pants’, the truth is that he has never lacked anything, and now, with his grandfather’s fortune protected in a foundation abroad, his well-being is even more assured, with a family asset valued at 2,000 million euros.

Raised between Barcelona, ​​Washington and Geneva, Miguel studied at the French Lyceum and graduated in 2023 in Marine Biology at the University of Southampton, in the United Kingdom. He currently lives in Madrid, in La Zarzuela, with his grandmother, Queen Sofía, while he carries out unpaid internships related to his career and recovers from a skiing accident he suffered in Switzerland. In the capital he has the support of his cousins ​​and Olympia, whom he met in his childhood when they both lived in Geneva and with whom he has resumed his relationship in recent months.

For her part, Olympia Beracasa, daughter of the Venezuelan banker Alfredo Beracasa and the former American model Elizabeth Kane, has grown up in a privileged environment, between Caracas, Miami, the Côte d’Azur and Switzerland. Although he leads a discreet life, he has managed to quickly integrate into the Borbón and Grecia family, attending events such as Juan Gómez-Acebo’s funeral and accompanying Infanta Cristina in several Pablo Urdangarin handball matches.

Meanwhile, the other Urdangarin brothers are also moving forward in their personal lives. Pablo is in a relationship with medical student Johanna Zott (in the image), and Irene is dating Juan Urquijo, brother-in-law of the mayor of Madrid. Juan, the oldest, is the only one who is still single, working in London with Alejandro Agag.

