The funeral of Elizabeth II cost 186 million euros to guarantee “the safety of the public”

The details of the funeral of Isabel II, as reported on Thursday, May 18, by the British Treasury Department. The expense item amounted to 162 million pounds (186 million euros). All to guarantee the “safety of the public”. Let us remember that 250,000 people paraded for days before the Queen’s mortal remains, which were exposed in the burning chapels of Edinburgh Cathedral and later in Westminster Hall, in London.

Elizabeth II died on September 8, 2022 and eleven days later, on the 19th, the funeral mass was celebrated at Westminster Abbey, where heads of state, presidents and prime ministers met, among them, Philip VI y Dona Letizia and the kings emeritus, Juan Carlos I y doña sofia. Of the 186 million, the British Home Office took the lion’s share: 84 million. The Ministry of Culture and Communication also intervened with 57 million.

As explained by the Secretary General of the Treasury, John Glenn, “the Government’s priority was that all these events take place without setbacks and with the appropriate level of dignity”; and he added that care was taken to guarantee “the safety of the public.”