The Foundation also celebrates its traditional Autumn Festival this Saturday


The Juan Carlos I Park in Madrid will be the setting this Saturday for the traditional Autumn Festival of the Also Foundation, a non-profit organization that has been working since 2001 promoting adapted sports among the group of people with any type or degree of disability, as well as as well as by promoting educational and inclusive values.

With the support of Bank of America and volunteers, the entity will hold a meeting between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to enjoy outdoor sports with family and friends, complemented by a program that promises guaranteed fun full of activities and sports workshops.

Thus, participants will be able to enjoy inclusive sports such as adapted cycling, canoeing, soccer, archery, target shooting, volleyball, chair slalom, chair basketball, table tennis and a circuit of awareness.

As a novelty, and due to the foundation’s recent collaboration with ‘Batec Mobility’, the possibility of testing the ‘Batec Hibrid 2’, a ‘handbike’, with electric assistance that is anchored to the wheelchair, will also be offered. .

A gymkhana and painting and craft workshops will complete a party where there will be a sign language interpreter from the Federation of Deaf People of the Community of Madrid (FESORCAM) who will also make this event accessible to people with hearing disabilities.

This initiative tries to contribute in a healthy and creative way to the leisure of people with disabilities and their family environment.
In addition, it is possible to provide an inclusive social experience for people with disabilities, without forgetting the importance of strengthening ties with volunteers, who with their invaluable work done from the heart allow us to fulfill the mission of Fundación Too and develop its numerous activities.