The forensic psychologist who has examined María del Monte and Inma Casal confirms that they suffer from anxiety, depression and a feeling of distress

Although almost eleven months have passed since the terrible night when eight hooded men attacked her chalet, Maria del Monte and Immaculate Casal They are still frightened and suffering from psychological scars that left them the shocking robberywhich is allegedly headed by the singer’s nephew, Antonio Tejado, who has been out of prison since May 20, on provisional release without bail.

At the request of his defense attorney, Francisco Baena BocanegraMaría del Monte and her partner have undergone an examination by a forensic psychiatrist from the Institute of Legal Medicine, who recently sent his final report to the Court of Instruction number 16 of Seville. This report, to which the newspaper has had access Seville Diarywould have confirmed the psychological damage that both have as a direct consequence of the “psychotraumatic experience suffered” after the robbery in their house.

In addition, it refers to the fact that Both María del Monte and Inma suffer from adaptive stress disorder, which in the case of the singer manifests itself in anxiety and a feeling of fear.while Inma Casal is also reportedly suffering from a depression of “moderate/significant” intensity, to which is added a feeling of anguish and fear when remembering the assault suffered. Psychological injuries, the newspaper reports directly from the report, “for which they are currently undergoing treatment.”

The statement made by María del Monte in court on February 16, which was extremely shocking, already gave an account of the impact and panic experienced in that home on that fateful morning, because after waking up as a result of a strong impact, María saw how the thieves attacked her wife while they offered her water: “He pushed me and said, ‘You have three minutes to open the safe or I’ll take the girl and kill her.'”he said.

“Reliving this in court is very hard,” said the affected singer, after which she confessed that she had come to fear for her life and that of her loved ones during the attack.“We were face down the whole time with a pillow over our heads,” they traumatized and explained to the judge, who they reported that the attackers, with them immobilized in that position, hit them on the back every twenty seconds.

According to reports, Seville DiaryIt seems that Damaris, the domestic worker who was in the house at the time and who was also attacked, has finally come forward as a private prosecutor and will also submit to the coroner’s opinion to assess her psychological damage. With her, there would be five victims of the robbery, including, in addition to María and Inma, her husband and her daughter.who were at home that night.
