The first Christmas of Piqué and Clara Chía in Cerdanya: in a buggy with the parents of the former soccer player

Clara Chia She is very integrated into her boyfriend’s family. The young woman has spent her first Christmas with Gerard Piqué and, among all the plans they have shared together, a very special one with the parents of the former Barça defender.

Read also: Shakira, in search of “serenity” in the desert in the midst of a new dispute with Gerard Piqué

The four were together in Cerdanya, in the province of Gerona, as the magazine Hola shows inside this Wednesday. Clara appears very smiling while she walks with her ‘in-laws’ and her boyfriend. She walks next to his mother, Montserrat Bernabeu, with whom he shows great complicity. The culé tenderly grabs his father by the shoulders, Joan. The four of them also took a tour of the natural passages in a buggy.

A few weeks ago, Piqué and Clara Chía were also very close at the Kosmos company dinner. She is one more worker in the former player’s company. They have a great deal with their peers, as many are also friends. Everything stays in the family.

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The ex blaugrana reached an agreement with Shakira in November for the custody of their two children, Milan and Sasha. Finally, Shakira He will take them to Miami as soon as possible and Piqué will have the right to be with them ten days a month. 66% of the vacations correspond to him, while 33% to the Colombian singer. This first Christmas, the children spent the first part with their mother in Dubai and the second with their father.