Lucia Serranodaughter of Aranxa del Sol y Finito of Cordobacan’t take it anymore. The presenter’s defender on the set of Survivors She is tired of the comments made by Angel Cristo Jr. and his girlfriend and, therefore, this Tuesday she issued an extensive statement in which, among other things, she revealed that Ana Herminia sent him messages against his mother. And the waters have not yet calmed down between them since Informalia dropped one of the biggest bombshells of the edition: Finito de Córdoba, Arantxa del Sol’s husband, had known Ana Herminia, Ángel Cristo Jr.’s wife, for a few years.
Since then, Ángel Cristo and Arantxa del Sol have experienced several moments of tension, but the straw that broke the camel’s back came last weekend. Lucía was upset by the interview that Ana Herminia gave on From Fridayin which she told how and when the relationship she had with Finito de Córdoba was. “Angel Cristo, since you say that my parents are there thanks to you, to begin with My parents are not there because they would never lend themselves to the filth that you and your wife dedicate yourselves to.”he continued in his post, bluntly.
Lucía questioned the education of Bárbara Rey’s son and his girlfriend. “Is this the ethics and morals you boast about? “If you knew what a family was, you probably wouldn’t be building your own by destroying everyone else’s,” he said bluntly.

In this way, he took the opportunity to bring to light some messages that Ana Herminia sent him months ago, when Arantxa and Ángel were still in Honduras. In one of the screenshots, it reads: “My darling, how are you? A photo from 2014 came out yesterday. I’m sitting with your father and I have my hand on Juan’s leg. In case they take him out, you can defend him.”Ana Herminia sent to Lucía, who now questions her good intentions.
In other messages, Ana Herminia criticizes Arantxa del Sol. “Lu, your mom is having a jealous rage. She’s not well and thinks your dad and I had something recently.”“By distrusting your father, you are making many mistakes,” she wrote.
“I hope your daughters don’t find themselves in a situation as disgusting and repugnant as the one we are living in. I hope they don’t have to suffer in the future because of your desire for fame and money, if they aren’t already,” said the young woman, who ended the text with a recommendation: “They should find a job and stop living by selling everything around them for fame and money”.