The FFT does not rule out that Roland Garros is behind closed doors

The president of the French Tennis Federation (FFT), Bernard Giudicelli, He does not rule out that Roland Garros, postponed to September due to the coronavirus pandemic, be played behind closed doors. The head of the French federation assures this Sunday in an interview with the weekly “Journal du Dimanche” that this plan would allow maintaining at least part of the economic model. “Organizing it behind closed doors would allow maintaining part of the economic model, television rights and sponsorships, “said Giudicelli.

The French tournament is an economic engine for national tennis and represents about 80% of the federation's revenues, according to the weekly. Only broadcasting rights account for more than a third of the competition's turnover.

On the possibility of delaying the Roland Garros from September 20 announced to the 27 he said that “it would not change much” and that it is still too early to accurately determine the timetable. In any case, the president of the FFT indicated that they do not rule out any option and that “giving priority” to one of the alternatives being considered would be “losing themselves in conjectures” due to the lack of visibility. “A lot of things can happen around us. We stay focused on what we have to do, offer a tournament in the best conditions “, Indian.