Liverpool and Manchester United will not have it easy if they want to move forward his project “Big Picture”. Despite the fact that they are at a very primary point in the negotiations, and many parties are missing from accepting all the changes, many detractors have already come out to condemn the new plan. Both the Government and the Federation have been against, as well as some teams from the Premier League itself.

But none have been as hard as Greg Clarke, President of the English Federation, which this morning has issued a letter to the members of the Football Association recalling the work that the Federation has. And this implies to be able to veto the teams of the Champions League.

The letter reads like this: “It is the Federation's responsibility to decide on competitions in England – including any new proposed competitions – and it is also responsible for licensing, through UEFA, to play in Europe.. Let's continue working together to determine what is best for English football with dialogue between all the protagonists. There is more than economics in our sport. The changes should benefit the clubs, the fans and the players, it is not only an economic balance “.
During today, Premier League teams have sat down in a meeting where the “Big Picture” project will be presented and discussed what a stir it has caused in England.