The FEB puts the season tickets for the Copa de la Reina de Zaragoza 2023 on sale


The Spanish Basketball Federation (FEB) has put on sale this Tuesday the tickets for the LF Endesa Queen’s Cup, which will be held at the Príncipe Felipe Pavilion in Zaragoza between March 30 and April 2, 2023 , with prices between 25 and 45 euros.

Season tickets may be purchased through the official channels of the FEB and their price will be 45 euros for Category A, 35 for Category B and 25 for Category C. The three types of season ticket will allow attendance to the seven games at stake.

The eight participating teams will meet on December 30, when the first round of the LF Endesa ends. The tournament has the collaboration of the City Council of the capital Maña, through Zaragoza Deporte, and the Aragonese Basketball Federation.