Behind all the debate Ana Obregon and her maternity by surrogacy, there is another (involuntary) protagonist: Alessandro Lequio. It is not being easy for the Italian that is spoken day and night in all the programs and magazines of the heart of your child Alessdied in 2020.
Also read: Ana Obregón’s companies present red numbers for a value of 700,000 euros and their assets are reduced
But nothing better than the company of the family to heal a wounded heart or, at least, to try to disconnect from the media hurricane. As we published, the count is spending a few days with his wife, Maria Palaciosand the daughter they have in common, Ginevra Enain Galicia

This Saturday, the marriage has been visibly serious while walking through the municipality of Nigrán, located in the Vigo region. Firm in his position of not giving any statement about the birth of his granddaughter, Lequio moved away from all the cameras and microphones that followed him down the street.

Although Obregón assures that Alessandro was aware of Aless’s decision to “bring a child into the world”, the truth is that Lequio has not said whether or not he agreed with the process. These were his last words in Ana Rosa’s program before “disappearing” from the spotlight: “With all the personal affection and the utmost professional respect, I hope you understand that I am not going to say anything about this subject. Not now or ever. I have expressed my opinion on surrogacy on several occasions, but today It would be understood in only one sense and it’s absurd. That’s how I’m going to stay.”