The exclusive with which José María Almoguera and Paola Olmedo destroy Carmen Borrego: “She disappointed us when she sold our pregnancy”

The sister of Terelu Campos He is already in Spain. After leaving Survivors on medical recommendation due to stress, Carmen Borrego landed this Tuesday at the Madrid-Barajas airport. The reception, of course, will not be as happy and friendly as she expected, because this Wednesday her son and her now ex-daughter-in-law pose together in a magazine and give an unfiltered interview in which the journalist comes out very badly.

It’s been three weeks since José María Almoguera He left the home he shared with Paola Olmedo. Married for less than two years and parents of a nine-month-old child, Marc, they have not been able to overcome the differences and the wear and tear of living together and have decided to go their separate ways. Of course, they both wanted to make a good deal out of their breakup and they did it together for the magazine Weekas they advance in TardeAR. In the interview that will be released this Wednesday, the former couple explains in detail the reasons for their separation and throw darts at a common ‘enemy’, Carmen Borrego, whom they blame for much of her problems. “I was disappointed when he sold our pregnancy”assures the son. “I feel guilty for the damage they have done to Paola.”

José María is very harsh against his mother, with whom he spent more than a year without speaking because of her statements (“Paola, daughter, you are stupid” or “My son has won heaven”) after the famous audios of Paola mocking him. the Fields. The relationship was completely broken and Borrego found out that she had been a grandmother from the press, something that broke her heart. After several failed attempts at rapprochement, José María granted his mother a truce last September, after the death of María Teresa Campos. He now states: “If my grandmother had not died, I would not have reconciled with my mother.”

Carmen discovered the separation of José María and Paola last Sunday, during her last connection from Honduras to perform the ‘Bridge of Emotions’. She seemed surprised and devastated: “I thought that José María was very happy. I have always thought that José María had been and was very happy with Paola. I don’t know what happened. I would need to talk to him. For me it is devastating news.”
