The proclamation he gave Ana Obregon This Sunday in Alcobendas on the occasion of the festivities of the Virgin of Peace has been paradoxically a bit hectic.
The presenter spoke a lot about love, faith and spirituality in the Madrid town but avoided questions from the press about the most burning topic, due to her unfulfilled promises to donate the profits from the book about her son to the Aless Lequio Foundation, plus other contributions that had promised and they have not been delivered. Anyone who wishes can see how Ana herself committed to donating all the profits of The Shrew Boy, that is, the sum of the advances already paid and the royalties that are yet to arrive. The same thing happened with the exclusives, although now I want to clarify those commitments. A matter published for the first time by Informalia and that has had enormous importance in the media.
The presenter evasively dismissed the journalists saying that that day it was not time to talk about the Aless Lequio Foundation and that the topic was the Virgin of Peace. There has also been talk about whether Ana had been paid to give her speech, given that there was a lot of press and great expectation, which would give her a lot of visibility, something that she loves. Well, the Alcobendas City Council flatly denies Informalia that Ana has received not even a cent: “It was a thing of women with great harmony,” they tell us. Rocío García Alcántara, who is the town's first female mayor, called Ana to meet and have a coffee and the understanding was immediate. She called her as a neighbor who has been living in La Moraleja, dependent on Alcobendas, for more than 30 years. In this luxurious urbanization, the García Obregón family played a fundamental role as promoters: “Ana accepted the proposal without a second's hesitation,” they explain to us from the town hall. The mayor had made public her satisfaction at having Obregón: “Today Alcobendas had the honor of receiving Ana García Obregón as our 2024 town crier. Her successful career in the world of entertainment and her courage in the face of life's challenges become an admired figure.

As for the fact that she asked for money or was paid as a preacher, they claim that it is a falsehood: “Apart from the fact that the issue was not even mentioned, it would have been impossible just like that. Any expense must be exposed in a commission, examined, approved by a majority and publicized by the transparency law. And that has not been the case. On the other hand, around 800 euros have been paid to DJ El Pulpo, who performed at the event, prior communication and official approval. Ana has been very generous and has done so delighted,” they tell us.