The emeritus gathers information to protect his historical legacy

It is one of the news of the week: the father of Felipe VI has created a foundation to, supposedly, gather all his fortune and facilitate the inheritance of his daughters Elena and Cristina from Abu Dhabi the day he dies. The reality, however, could be quite different. And it is that, according to The Debatethe foundation he created in 2022 Juan Carlos I and on which he has worked tirelessly ever since has no other goal than to preserve his historical legacy: “He is concerned that recent personal mistakes will overshadow his great institutional achievements”they say.

These have been controversial and scandalous years for the emeritus, who has been involved in controversies over hunting, lovers and tax fraud that led him to be scrupulously investigated, as well as alleged blackmail and alleged threats to Corinna Larsen that led him to trial in London. A disappointing string of errors and shamelessness that clouded the impeccable career of the man who brought democracy to a country divided by Francoism and that neither time (it all began in 2012 with the fall of Botswana) nor distance (he left Spain three years ago and settled in the Emirates) have managed to overshadow. Juan Carlos I is aware that the people neither forgive nor forget, at least not all of them, and he wants to guarantee his historical legacy through a foundation that collects the most important political, social and economic milestones of his reign so that they are remembered by future generations: “He wants to be remembered as the King who brought democracy, stopped the coup d’état of 23-F and contributed to the reconciliation of the Spanish people.”

The aforementioned media reveals that the emeritus’ foundation is collecting archival information from the last 50 years and has personally asked friends and acquaintances to send photos, letters, articles, reports, interviews and relevant documents from his reign so that they become part of the foundation’s funds. These, in addition, would include several stories written by Don Juan Carlos himself about how he lived through those historic moments, writings that have nothing to do with a supposed biography that, according to other media, the father of Juan Carlos is reportedly writing. Felipe VI in his own handwriting. As we have already mentioned in Informalia, the only authorized biography that is currently underway is the one signed by Carlos Herrera, and which has been halted at the request of the emeritus: “It will be published when he decides,” said the journalist.

The foundation is not, therefore, intended to preserve the emeritus’s legacy, which, they say, is very well guarded at this point. The project already has some members who are actively seeking funding, such as the lawyer Carlos Portocarrero, from the Clifford Chance law firm, one of the most expensive and prestigious in the world and who already assisted him in the lawsuit against Corinna Larsen.
