The preview in Madrid of the musical once upon a time my family which is directed and produced by Emilio Aragón and which is already on the Madrid billboard at the Nuevo Alcalá theater, was a trip to the 70s and to those television afternoons with the clowns who created the best soundtrack of many generations. Clowns and professional musicians because the humor of the Aragón is not understood without those songs that everyone knows the lyrics perfectly and sing to their children or grandchildren: Hello Don Pepito, Susanita has a mouse, Once upon a time…
The show arrives at a very sweet moment for musicals and with the quality that Emilio Aragón, who debuted on stage as Milikito before succeeding on television with his programs and series, permeates his works. The production has a cast led by his cousins Mónica Aragón (daughter of Fofito) and Gaby Aragón. It begins with the loneliness of a woman who is going to celebrate her birthday without the presence of her grandchildren and she draws on her memories to return to a childhood marked by the history of the Aragón family. For Emilio it has been a real pleasure to be able to pay this particular tribute to his family. which began in the circus in the 19th century and still continues on stage today.

In Spain we knew them as Gaby, Fofó and Miliki and, after Fofó’s death, his son Fofito arrived and Emilio also put on the red shirt in his Milikito years to be with his father and understand the magic they awakened. Those were the happiest years, at least in our country. Then came the separations, the successes of one (especially Emilio) and the problems of others (Fofito lived a very complicated time after losing his father and taking refuge in alcohol) and even a war in magazines and programs where the image was broken. of union and brotherhood that everyone had idealized.

From that it has rained and with Emilio’s involvement in this musical the quarrels that existed in the past are put aside to move on to the fraternity and meeting of a summit of Aragon members that on Thursday night almost filled the theater’s stalls. Without a doubt the most special moment was when the team received a standing ovation from the audience and Emilio himself was asked to go on stage. His hug with his cousin Fofito was long, heartfelt and pure. He lasted longer than a hug and managed to get the attendees out of their seats. It was the hug that everyone wanted to see. Luckily we were there and saw it to tell the tale.