The Duke of Westminster and Olivia Henson expect their first child almost a year after their wedding

About to celebrate its first anniversary of married, Hugh GrosvenorDuke of Westminster, and his wife Olivia Henson They have announced on Wednesday that they expect their first child in common.

“The Duke and the Duchess of Westminster are delighted to announce that the Duchess awaits a baby for the summer. The couple is delighted with the news and is eager to form a family together, “says the announcement.

The Duke of Westminster is godson of King Carlos III and is the godfather of Prince George and Archie Harrison, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s son, although no one of the Sussex accompanied the young man -Tamampo Kate Middleton and Carlos III, who had just started their respective chemotherapy treatments- in their great marriage bond with Olivia with Olivia Henson, on June 7.

Since then, Olivia and Hugh have set their gaze on Chester, a place where they have promised “throw roots.” In their first public appearances such as Duke and Duchess, they have been seen visiting beneficial schools and organizations backed by the Westminster Foundation, carrying with them an image of sober accessibility that contrasts with the magnitude of their fortune.

Hugh Grosvenor and Olivia Henson gave themselves the ‘yes, I want’ in Chester’s cathedral, thus celebrating One of the most powerful unions in the country. Duke’s fortune revolves around 14,000 million eurosan amount that distributes among its businesses.

Hugh Grosvenor has (among other properties distributed throughout the world, including Spain) more than 50,000 hectares of land in the north of England and Scottish highlands, where fog seems to belong as much as the fields. However, in a gesture that reminds those enlightened nobles who wanted to leave more than resonant surnamesthe Duke has begun an ambitious environmental study, as we reported last January.

With airplanes equipped with lasers and the support of the John Moores University of Liverpool, he is performing a thorough radiography of his domains. The purpose is none other than understanding the state of biodiversity and natural capital under its care. “We are in a privileged position to perform this deep analysis of nature”, Johen declared, a billionaire employee, director of Sustainability of Grosvenor Rural Estaes.
