The dream year of Jesus Owono

Good times are not running for Vitoria. As much as the club, the coach and the players insist on sending messages of encouragement in the face of remaining in the First Division, the truth is that the fans have lost confidence in Julio Velázquez’s team. Mathematics still shows options to stay but the sensations are different.

In the meantime, The good news arrives on other fronts of the entity. Mikel Crespo’s Gloriosas sealed their permanence in the Iberdrola League last week despite losing to Real Madrid. Eibar’s defeat at the Granadilla stadium gave the women’s Alavés girls the opportunity to continue in the top flight for another year.

The joys have also come from the subsidiary, which rises from the Third Federation to the Second. Last year, between the poor results and the restructuring of Spanish football, they lost two categories in one fell swoop. Yesterday they beat Anaitasuna de Azkoitia 4-1 and signed direct promotion without having to wait for the results of Portugalete, its main rival this year.

In that team is the goalkeeper Jesús Owono. Of San Sebastian origin, has signed a dream year: international with Guinea-Equatorial, highlighted in the African Cup, debuting with the first team of Alavés in First and, now, unquestionable protagonist in the ascent category. A goalkeeper who trains with the first team and who will surely make the leap to the first team soon.