The details of Isa Pantoja’s wedding dress come to light: without sequins and with a classic and elegant cut

There are only a few hours left until One Pantoja y Asraf Beno say ‘I do’, at the Hacienda de Al-Baraka (Seville). The tonadillera’s daughter has revealed details about her big day on her social networks. However, she has not given any clues as to what her expected look bridal.

This Thursday, Telecinco revealed details about Isa Pi’s wedding dress. “I can say that she has open sleeves and back,” he said. Aurelio Manzano. Likewise, they explained that the sister of Kiko Rivera You will opt for a classic cut dress and not for volumes or sequins.

“Don’t expect a very modern bride,” he also assured. Alexia Rivas. Furthermore, the collaborator has stated that Isa’s dress is “classic and elegant.” “Since we are both very short, it is what suits us best,” she assured.

At the first of Anabel Pantojawho is always active on social networks, has shared with her more than 600 thousand followers that the stylist David Deibis He is in charge of doing her makeup. From Telecinco, Manzano also revealed that the bride will not wear makeup. “It is a technique that is used a lot. They are serums that the makeup artist applies with his finger (..) That serum gives it color.”