The data from Real-Barça confirm Xavi’s diagnosis

Xavi he was realistic and self-critical at the end of the game. “In many phases, Real has deserved more, we have to be honest and we can’t fool people.” And he added: “It’s not to show off the game, it’s evidence. But the victory allows us to continue in second position.” The general data of the match, provided by OPTA, confirm that the Barça It was not too fine in San Sebastian.

In fact, he lost possession of the ball, something unthinkable in the team of Xavi, who always wants to have the ball to rule the games. Yesterday he didn’t have it and he suffered more than he should, especially after the break. The total of the match was 44.4%. If we break it down into parts, the Barça he had the ball 45.9% in the first half, while he dropped to 43% in the second.

The Barça It wasn’t neat, as Xavi likes to say. La Real had a pass accuracy of 84.5% while the azulgrana reached 78.2.

And in attack, the locals arrived by band much more than the Barcelona. You just have to look at the centers to the area. 22 by the txuri urdin, for only 5 by Barcelona. Of course, the Catalans had more shots (11, only one in the second half) than the locals (8), although Real was more precise than Barça (5 shots between the three sticks, by one of the Catalans, which ended in goal).

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