The curious and old relationship between Álvaro Muñoz Escassi and Boris Izaguirre and the Venezuelan’s opinions on infidelity

Months of rivalry and comments from Carmen Lomana on Isabel Preysler which has unleashed a ‘media war’ that is fuelled every time they coincide at a public event. However, it seems that everything is much less important than we think.

That’s at least what he thinks. Boris Izaguirre who has confessed to us that this rivalry “is not so true.” The Venezuelan has spoken to the socialite: “Carmen has called me to tell me that she has no rivalry and that she is a bit surprised that this has become a topic in the press.” However, if we ask her who of the two is the great queen of elegance, she is clear: “Isabel Preysler, “No doubt, of course. I think that, well, Isabel, and now Tamara Falcó? So it seems to me that it is a fairly coherent reign,” confesses Boris.

We took the opportunity to talk to him about the alleged romance between Hiba Abouk and Alvaro Muñoz Escassi. Let us remember that the journalist, television presenter, scriptwriter and writer from Caracas, who also has Spanish nationality, was once a close friend of the Sevillian jockey; this happened long before it was known that María José Suárez’s ex had had relationships not only with women. Boris Izaguirre, who turns 59 in a few days, has been half his life with Rubén Nogueira. They met in June 1992, a few months after the writer arrived in Spain. The city that brought them together was Santiago de Compostela, after Boris’ decision to leave his country behind.

In 2006 they said ‘I do’ in the Galician city

It was in Santiago where Boris found work for the first time and where he met Rubén. That is why, a few years later, in 2006, they chose the Galician capital to say ‘I do’. It was just a year after the Law on Marriage for people of the same sex was approved. Only four witnesses attended the wedding and, furthermore, until the day before the wedding, Boris himself did not know where it was going to be held. Although they settled in Santiago, after a while they decided that it would be best to move to Madrid, to discover other opportunities that the Galician city did not offer.

Despite Boris’s fame and her husband’s hyper-social activity, Rubén has always wanted to remain in the background. He is a professional window dresser and also the presenter’s greatest support. Less well known is Boris’s friendship with his beloved Escassi, a partner with Ana Rosa and as cooks. masterchefianos, Boris Escassi is the same person he was talking about this week when we asked him about Hiba: “It’s a nice romance because they’re both very happy,” he revealed. “I’m more on Álvaro’s side, we work together on ‘TardeAR’ now and sometimes Álvaro comments on something, but in reality I think Álvaro said that they’re friends who love each other, but they’re still friends, you know? So I think we should leave it there,” he clarified. But Boris’s relationship with Escassi goes back further. In the image that illustrates this post, we see the rider and the scriptwriter at the party for the reopening of the terrace of the Wellington hotel in Madrid, in June 2012. Precisely on Ana Rosa’s show, Boris uttered this daring phrase talking about his infidelities: “My husband is a gentleman and I am a whore,” the fellow diner snapped at his table companions.

Beatriz Archidona was talking to Alaska, Xavier Sardá, Mario Vaquerizo and Boris himself about breakups and infidelities when the presenter was commenting on divorces and separations. In that context, Boris asked himself: “Why can’t you guarantee that fidelity to your partner?” “What I’m fed up with is that you can’t be what you want to be, that you can be everything, that you can be faithful and unfaithful, because, deep down, when you try it, you realize that both things can happen. You can be in love with two people at the same time,” the Venezuelan dared to affirm.
