The CSD launches the ‘Equals in Sport’ strategy to “combat” discrimination


The Higher Sports Council (CSD) launched this Monday the ‘Equals in Sports’ strategy to empower female athletes, the LGTBI group and athletes with disabilities, an equality policy that is “a fundamental pillar” for the body against discrimination, as reported in a statement.

‘Equals in Sport’ encompasses a double line of action that includes both actions focused on the development of public policies and awareness, with commemorative events, debate sessions and exhibitions.

“The equality policy is a fundamental pillar of this Council and our maximum commitment is to combat any type of discrimination. The institutions and their representatives are responsible for transferring values ​​to society that make us better and that is the main objective of this strategy Sport has to be a space of equality that serves as a mirror for all citizens and as such we are going to defend it,” said the president of the CSD, José Manuel Franco.

Thus, a specific item of nearly 32 million euros has been allocated in the General State Budgets (PGE) for 2022 for the Social Plan for Sport, which includes the development of sports policies for inclusion and equality. This amount, coming from the recovery funds and framed within the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, will increase to 77.9 million throughout the entire legislature.

In addition, during this year the Observatory of Equality in Sport will be launched, a body specialized in this matter that will be in charge of ensuring good practices in terms of equality and non-discrimination in the sports field.

As far as awareness actions are concerned, the starting point will take place this Thursday during an act of vindication on the occasion of the International Day Against LGTBIphobia in Sport, which is commemorated on Saturday, February 19.

Athletes such as Eva Moral, Marc Tur, Eli Pinedo, Lola Romero and Damián Quintero will participate in it, who, together with the Minister of Culture and Sports, Miquel Iceta, and the president of the CSD, José Manuel Franco, will read a text on the importance of non-discrimination for issues related to people’s sexual orientation and identity.

Likewise, on the occasion of March 8 -International Women’s Day-, the Council will organize a conference focused on analyzing and debating the presence of women in different sports fields: the media, the management bodies and the competition itself .

Throughout them, five round tables will be held with the participation of journalists, leaders in the sports sector and athletes. These meetings will begin on March 4 within the framework of what will be the “Women in Sports Week”, in which a photographic exhibition will also be held under the title: “Equals in Sports”.

Finally, in December, the month in which the International Day of Persons with Disabilities is celebrated, actions will be carried out to value inclusive sport and the people who practice it, with a program similar to the previous ones.